Benefits of rice starch - Benefits of rice starch

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Benefits of rice starch

Benefits of rice starch - Benefits of rice starch

Benefits of rice starch - Benefits of rice starch

Benefits of rice starch 

🔹🔹Most women throw away the starch after cooking rice. It is good to know - the water we throw away after cooking rice is very nutritious. So this starch should not be thrown away.  

🔹🔹But due to ignorance of the nutritional quality of rice starch, you throw away rice starch. Never throw away rice starch. Do you know that rice starch alone has health benefits as well as beauty benefits. 

Prevents constipation

Almost everyone suffers from constipation. Did you know that rice starch has a lot of fiber? Starch also facilitates the elimination of stomach waste by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.

🔹🔹Regulation of body temperature

Rice starch plays an important role in regulating body temperature. Drinking rice starch is very beneficial to prevent summer heatstroke. 

🔹🔹 Energy increase 

Rice starch increases energy levels. It is rich in carbohydrates which are an excellent source of energy. Our body can generate energy by breaking down carbohydrates. A glass of rice flour in the morning will help you not feel weak or dizzy due to lack of energy. Just like the farmers of our country do not get tired after working hard all day because they eat rice in the morning.

Virus infection

Rice starch plays an effective role in filling the water deficiency in the body and stopping vomiting in fever. Rice starch fills nutritional deficiencies and accelerates the healing process.

🔹🔹 Diarrhea

Diarrhea causes the body to lose a lot of water. Rice starch fills the dehydration in diarrhea. It also cures eczema, prevents cancer, prevents Alzheimer's. 

Ultraviolet rays of the sun

Rice starch contains 'orizanol' which protects the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Drinking rice starch is very beneficial for health. 

🔹🔹Even if we don't think about starch, different countries of the world are conducting various researches. Chinese scientist Mr. Lin researched the discarded rice starch, rice starch contains calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, and magnesium.

🔹🔹He analyzed and found that starch contains iron 10 times, calcium 4 times, manganese 12 times, copper 6 times and millennium 2 times. Also contains tocotrienols and other natural ingredients. Waste of nutrients with starch: In our country, starch is wasted due to crushing of starch.

🔹🔹If we knew how much nutrition goes with starch, we might never have wasted it.

🔹🔹Let's see how much nutrition is lost due to starch extraction: Nutrient content and nutrient loss due to starch extraction (percent) Calories 15%, Meat 15%, Sugars 10%, Iron 50%, Phosphorus 50%, Iodine 40%, Riboflavin 25% , niacin 23% and calcium 50%.

Written by Dr. Rahima Khatun

Tags: Benefits of Rice Starch, Benefits of Rice Starch, Rice Starch, What are the Benefits of Rice Starch, Health Benefits of Rice Starch, Health Benefits of Rice Starch, Properties of Rice Starch, Nutritional Properties of Rice Starch, Benefits of Rice Starch, Benefits of Eating Rice Starch, Advantages and Disadvantages of Rice Starch ,Benefits of Rice Fan,Rice Starch Beauty,What are the Benefits of Rice Starch,Rice Starch Hair Benefits,Rice Starch Face Benefits,Rice Starch Benefits,Rice Starch Uses,Rice Starch Face Pack

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