Important 4 nafal prayers and their virtues - important prayer

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 Important 4 nafal prayers and their virtues 

Important 4 nafal prayers and their virtues - important prayer
Important 4 nafal prayers and their virtues - important prayer

Important 4 nafal prayers 

  1. Tahajjud
  2. Ishrak 
  3. seek 
  4. went

Rules of Tahajjud prayer and its virtues

The Tahajjud prayer is the most important of the Nafal prayers. 
This prayer was obligatory before five daily prayers became obligatory. Later it is considered useless.
 The Prophet (PBUH) said about this prayer, 
"The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer (Tahajjud)." (Jami Tirmidhi, 1 : 99) The time of this prayer is from the time of Triphrahar (Sahri time) in the last night to the time of Saadiq in the morning.
 However, those who are unable to wake up at the end of the day due to the hard work of the day, can pray 2/4 rakat of Tahajjud after Isha before going to sleep.
 After that, if possible, read Tahajjud again on the last night. And if you don't get up then, I hope you won't be completely deprived of the virtues of Tahajjud because of that prayer of the first night.

Ishra prayer rules and its virtues

After the Fajr prayer, refrain from worldly activities and talk until the sun rises and (men) sit in their place of prayer or any other place in the mosque and engage in Quran recitation, Zikir-Azkar Tasbeeh-Tahlil etc. 
Then after 12/13 minutes of sunrise, when the sun rises a little higher, it is time for Ishraq. It is said in the hadith that if you pray two rak'ahs of Ishraq at that time, you will get a reward equal to one Hajj and one Umrah. (Jamee Tirmidhi 1: 130) In addition to this, it is mentioned in another hadith that if he prays a total of four rak'ahs with two more rak'ahs, Allah Ta'ala becomes responsible for all his deeds of the day until evening. (Jami Tirmidhi, 1: 108).
However, if one engages in worldly activities after the Fajr prayer and performs Ishrak after sunrise, it is also permissible. Ishrak will be performed in this too.

Chashat prayer rules and virtues

From when the sun rises a quarter of the way up in the sky and the heat of the sun is intense, till Dwiparahar (between 9 and 11 am) is the time of chastha.
 Then pray two, four or eight rak'ats. It is called Chasht Namaz. There is in Hadith Sharif - In two rak'at prayers of Chasht, a total of 360 pairs of charity is paid and sins equal to the foam of the sea (saghira) are forgiven.
 In another hadith, a garden is built for him in Paradise. In addition, many more virtues of Chashta Namaz have been described in the hadith.  

 Rules and virtues of prayer

There is a meritorious Nafal Namaz called 'Jawaal Namaz'. This prayer should be performed at noon as soon as the sun sets in the west.
 For example, the starting time of Zohr given in the fixed prayer calendar calendar is the time of sunset. As soon as that time comes, four rak'at nafal prayers are to be offered as the last prayer.
 The merit of the prayer at this time is that at this time Allah opens all the doors of heaven and all worship and supplications are accepted with the prayer. (Jamee Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 478). 

What is intention and how to do it?

Niyat means “to intend to do something” or “to resolve”.
 Niyat should be done in the heart, not uttered in the mouth. There is no need to recite any dua or say anything for this. 
How many rakats or namaz (obligatory/sunnat/nafal) you pray at any time will be determined only if you have this idea or desire in your heart. 
At the beginning of every work, it is a "duty" to make such a determination in the heart.
May Allah grant us tawfiq to do the right deeds, Ameen.

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