Mobile location with Imei number Phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei

Mobile location by Imei number - phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei has been discussed in detail in this article.Mobile locatio

Hello dear guest - Welcome to Neoteric IT . You have come to Neoteric IT for information about Mobile location with Imei number Phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei Today I will conclude this article by discussing Mobile location with Imei number Phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei in detail. Search Google to know more about Mobile location with Imei number Phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei write Mobile location with Imei number Phone can be tracked without SIM - mobile tracker by imei or click here for visit. See the page Table of content for know the main topic of this article. Web story and AMP Version

 Mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives. They allow us to stay connected with loved ones, work from anywhere and access a wealth of information at our fingertips. However, losing a phone or having it stolen can be a nightmare. Not only will you lose your device, you will also lose all the data and information stored on it. Fortunately, there is a way to track the location of your mobile phone using its IMEI number In this article, we will take a closer look at what IMEI numbers are and how they can be used to track the location of mobile phones.

Mobile Location by Imei Number - Track Phone Without SIM - mobile tracker by imei -

From this episode of Neoteric IT, you will know  how to track mobile location with Imei number and  phone without SIM   . 

What is an IMEI number?

An IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is a unique 15-digit code assigned to every mobile phone. It acts as a unique identifier for the device and allows the network provider to authenticate the phone and provide access to their services. You can find your phone's IMEI number by dialing *#06# on the phone's dialer or by checking the phone's settings.

How to track mobile phone location using IMEI number?

The IMEI number can be used to track the location of a mobile phone as it is attached to the device itself. When a phone is turned on and connected to a network, the network provider can use the IMEI number to identify the device However, this process requires the cooperation of network providers and authorities.

If your phone is lost or stolen, the first thing you should do is contact your network provider and report the incident. They will then block the device's IMEI number, which will prevent it from being used on any network. The network provider can use the IMEI number to track the location of the phone if it is switched on and connected to a network

In some cases, law enforcement agencies can use the IMEI number to track the phone's location without the cooperation of the network provider. This is done using special equipment that can pick up the signals emitted by the phone. However, this method is only used in extreme cases and requires a court order.

Can IMEI number tracking be done without the cooperation of the network provider?

There are many apps and websites available that claim to be able to track a phone's location using its IMEI number. But these claims are false. The IMEI number can only be used to track a phone's location if it is connected to a network and the network provider has access to the device's location information.

Any app or website that claims to be able to track a phone's location using the IMEI number without the cooperation of the network provider is a scam. These apps and websites often ask for payment or personal information, which can be used for identity theft.

What are the limitations of using IMEI number to track mobile phone location?

There are several limitations to using the IMEI number to track the location of a mobile phone The first limitation is that the phone must be powered on and connected to a network. If the phone is switched off or not connected to a network, the network provider will not be able to detect the device.

A second limitation is that the accuracy of location information may vary depending on the network provider and the location of the phone. In urban areas with a high density of cell towers, location information can be very accurate. However, in rural areas with fewer cell towers, location information may not be as precise.

A third limitation is that the IMEI number can be altered or forged. This means that someone who has stolen the phone can change the IMEI number to avoid being tracked. However, changing the IMEI number is illegal and can have serious consequences.

What can be done with Imei number

From this episode of Neoteric IT, you will know what can be done with Imei number . Let's find out. The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a unique identifier assigned to each mobile phone. This 15-digit number serves as a means of authenticating the device and allows network providers to provide access to their services. Apart from this, several things can be done with the IMEI number. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what can be done with an IMEI number.

Block a stolen phone

If your phone is stolen, the first thing you should do is contact your network provider and report the incident They will then block the device's IMEI number, which will prevent it from being used on any network. This means that even if the thief changes the SIM card, the phone will not be able to connect to any network, rendering it useless.

Locate a lost or stolen phone

As mentioned earlier, the network provider can use the IMEI number to track the location of the phone if it is switched on and connected to the network. This means that if your phone is lost or stolen, and you report the incident to the network provider, they can track the location of the phone and help you locate it.

A phone authentication

The IMEI number can also be used to authenticate a phone. When you buy a phone, you can check its IMEI number to make sure it's not a stolen device. This can be done by checking the IMEI number against the stolen phone database. If the phone's IMEI number is listed in the database, it means the phone is stolen and you should not buy it.

Check warranty status

You can also check the warranty status of the phone using its IMEI number. This can be done by contacting the manufacturer or checking their website. By checking the warranty status, you can determine if the phone is still under warranty and eligible for repair or replacement.

Check carrier lock

The IMEI number can also be used to check if the phone is carrier locked. If a phone is carrier locked, it means that it can only be used on the network of the carrier it was purchased from. By checking the IMEI number, you can determine if the phone is carrier locked or not.

Buy or sell a used phone

If you are planning to sell or buy a used phone, you can check its IMEI number to make sure it is not a stolen device. This can be done by checking the IMEI number against the stolen phone database. If the phone's IMEI number is listed in the database, it means the phone is stolen and you should not buy or sell it.

Mobile Location by Imei Number - Track Phone Without SIM - mobile tracker by imei -

Improving mobile security 

The IMEI number can also be used to improve mobile security. By keeping a record of your device's IMEI numbers, you can ensure that they are not stolen Apart from this, some mobile security apps provide additional security features using the IMEI number, such as remotely locking or wiping the device.

Phones without SIM can be tracked

We will know from this episode that the phone can be tracked without SIM . Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, work and more. One of the main features of a mobile phone is its ability to connect to a network via a SIM card. However, there are situations when you may need to use the phone without a SIM card. In such cases, it is still possible to track the phone. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to track phones without a SIM card.

GPS tracking

Most modern smartphones come with GPS (Global Positioning System) functionality. This allows the phone to connect to GPS satellites and determine its location. Even without a SIM card, a phone can use its GPS functionality to determine its location This means that if your phone is lost or stolen and has GPS functionality, it can still be tracked.

Mobile Tracking Apps

There are several mobile tracking apps that can be used to track a phone without a SIM card. These apps use GPS functionality and other location services to track the phone's location. Apart from this, some mobile tracking apps also offer other features such as remote locking or erasing of the device and real-time location updates.

Wi-Fi Tracking

Another way to track a phone without a SIM card is Wi-Fi tracking. Wi-Fi networks can be used to determine a phone's location. This is because Wi-Fi networks have unique identifiers, known as SSIDs (Service Set Identifiers), and the phone can use these identifiers to determine its location. This method is not as accurate as GPS tracking, but it can still be useful in some situations.

Bluetooth tracking

Bluetooth technology can also be used to track phones without a SIM card. Bluetooth devices have unique identifiers, known as MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, and the phone can use these identifiers to determine its location. Bluetooth tracking is not as accurate as GPS tracking, but it can be useful in some situations.

Mobile IMEI Check - Rules for Finding Imei Number

Know from this episode Mobile IMEI Check - Rules to get Imei number . The IMEI number is a 15- or 16-digit number usually located on the back of the phone, under the battery. It can also be found on the phone's packaging, phone settings or by dialing *#06# on the phone's keypad.


The IMEI number is a unique identifier assigned to each mobile phone that can be used to track its location. While it's not possible to track a phone's location using its IMEI number without the network provider's cooperation, it can be a valuable tool for locating a lost or stolen phone. By reporting the incident to the network provider, the IMEI number can be blocked and detected when the phone is switched on and connected to the network. However, the accuracy of the location information may vary depending on the network provider and the location of the phone. It is important to note that changing the IMEI number is illegal and can have serious consequences Overall, there are limitations when using IMEI number to track mobile phone location,

Thanks for read the post. You can also read the article in bangla - imei-mobile-tracker-by-imei

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